Roof Tiles Cleaner
Cleans-Tiles and kills Spores
Roofing tiles will with time, become covered in fallout and mould, and then continue to be a haven for fungal growth. Sierra’s new Roof Tile Cleaner is designed to strip fallout, and kill and remove all trace of mould before the fungal activity takes over.

Ease of Use
Roof Tile Cleaner is simply applied in a coarse spray via a spray applicator, and left to dwell whilst the chlorinated surface active agents destroy all mould spores, and lift the fallout from the tile. Then simply wash the dirt and mould away with tap water under mild pressure.
Roof Tile Cleaner can also be used to safely clean driveways and paved areas suffering from excessive mould, in the same manner.
CIMG0901On the left side of this roofing tile can be seen the blackened area cause by mould and fallout.

There is also evident spots of a lighter shade of roundish fungal growth. These are normally very difficult to remove as they are ‘growing’ from the pours of the tile.
The right hand side of the tile has been sprayed with Sierra Roof Tile Cleaner and allowed to sit for 3 minutes,
then washed off with tap water under mild pressure.
Sierra Roof Tile Cleaner is available in 5 and 20 litre drums
Product Data Sheet
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