The natural solvency of citrus oil makes it an ideal cleaning solvent for many applications, without the offensive odour of traditional solvents such as turps/kero/white spirits etc. Ideal for upholsterers, windscreen fitting, conveyer belts, escalators, elevators, etc. If a solvent cleaner is absolutely necessary, Citramax offers a strong cleaning solution, however because it is a natural solvent, flammability cautions should still be applied.
What Can I use Citramax For?
- Graffitti Removal
- Ink
- Conveyer Belt Cleaning
- Removes most aerosol paints & surface coatings
- Glue & Adhesive residue removal
- Bitumen & Tar
- Crayon
- Grease & Oil
- Carbon
- Sap

Packaging sizes available:
- 5 litre Container
- 20 litre Drum
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